
Prints from Outré Gallery

Outré Gallery are offering a range of prints sourced from a private collection in Brisbane. All but one print are framed, shipping can be arranged from their Melbourne base and international shipping is possible by unframing and rolling the prints.

There is only one of each print available so if you are interested then contact them immediately. Each print is a signed, numbered and framed (excepting Roma Adventure which has no frame) serigraph.

Bondinho Balacando
(Limited edition of 200)
$750 AUD

The Stairs
(Limited edition of 300)
$695 AUD

Cocktails at Rose Seidler House
(Limited edition of 195)
$1,350 AUD

Consegna Espressa
(Artists Proof edition of 20)
$750 AUD

Kind of Blue
(Limited edition of 250)
$795 AUD

Kookaburras Roost
(Limited edition of 200)
$1,850 AUD

La Modern (Day)
(Printers Proof edition of 5)
$1,250 AUD

La Modern (Night)
(Artists Proof edition of 25)
$1,250 AUD

Sky Lounge
(Limited edition of 200)
$1,595 AUD

Ye Olde Raven
(Limited edition of 200)
$550 AUD

The Game of LIfe
(Limited edition of 100)
$550 AUD

The Lost Book
(Limited edition of 200)
$625 AUD

Palm Springs After Noon
(Limited edition of 200)
$1,395 AUD

Roma Adventure
(Artists Proof edition of 25)
$950 AUD (unframed)

Wrong Number
(Limited edition of 99)
$565 AUD

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