Useful Links
Primary Sources

Shag stores is the online presence of the physical Shag gallery located in Palm Springs, California and is run by M Modern Gallery. Note that the West Hollywood store closed in 2020.
Shag stores provides a wide selection of prints and merchandise, including many exclusives.

Based in Melbourne Australia for twenty-five years, Outré Gallery specialises in art that crosses design, pop and counterculture.
Outré Gallery has held many exhibitions by Josh Agle and has produced several books featuring the artist.

Jonathan Levine Gallery successfully opened in the Chelsea district of New York City in 2005. In 2017, the gallery relocated to Jersey City with a focus on collaboration and community.
Jonathan Levine Gallery has hosted several Josh Agle exhibitions to highlight his work.

Corey Helford Gallery was established in Los Angeles during 2006 to show new contemporary art. CHG provides three separate exhibition spaces for individual artist and group exhibitions, and has previously hosted Josh Agle.

Culture Cove Gallery & Tiki Room is an online gallery and gift shop in La Jolla, California that highlights retro surf, Tiki, Hawaiian and mid-century modern themed art. Culture Cove also host the ‘Tiki Oasis Weekend‘ awareness and information centre each year.

La Luz De Jesus Gallery in Los Angelas is owned by entrepreneur and art collector Billy Shire and showcases underground art and pop culture.

L’Imagerie Gallery in North Hollywood, California is a family owned business founded in 1973.

La Fiambrera Art Galleryin Madrid, Spain exhibits pop surrealism, urban art, illustration and lowbrow art.
Secondary Sources

eBay is the world’s largest online auction house and marketplace. It is also the main location to purchase Josh Agle artwork within the secondary market.
There are usually many items available on ebay when searching for Josh Agle or Shag under art or collectables.

Amazon was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and focuses on providing a broad range of electronic commerce and cloud computing. In addition to providing its own products and services, it provides a platform for other businesses
Josh Agle’s books, some merchandising and a few prints are available on Amazon.

With an inventory of over 150 million books, Book Finder provides a powerful search engine for new, used, rare and out-of-print books. Books are bought directly from the original seller without any markup or complications.
Many of Josh Agle’s publications can be found for discounted prices on Book Finder.

Artsy is a resource for art collection and education with over 70,000 artists and 800,00 images of art, architecture, and design.
Josh Agle is represented on Artsy with an overview plus pages on his work and past shows.
The site also links to galleries that sell original and prints of Shag’s work.

Etsy is a marketplace for artists, designers, and creators to start and grow businesses.
It provides a platform to link consumers with entrepreneurs.
There is normally a small collection of Josh Agle items for sale on this site.
Blogs & Forums

Modern Tiki Lounge is a great site from Kelsi and Greg exploring Tiki culture and enjoying a good drink on the way. There are some interesting blog posts about visits to Shag exhibitions and events in Los Angeles.

Tiki Central is the main online forum for Tiki and related subjects. This site is awesome in scope and the number and range of its members. There is great history here for Shag and a useful sales page if you are looking for a missing piece.

Ooga-Mooga is the number one location for finding mugs online, enabling you to track your mug collection and share it with the community.
Social Media

Shag Store Palm Springs is the Facebook site for the store in Palm Springs. Owners Jay Nailor and MiShell Modern, and gallery manager Monet Orystick run the shop selling Josh Agle’s wide range of work. The website for the shop is listed above.

Shag – Josh Agle is the Facebook site for Josh Agle, the social front for the website. The last post was in 2014 but there are member comments more recently.

Instagram @theartistshag is Josh Agle’s Instagram account and is active and regularly updated with interesting posts and great pictures.

Twitter – The Shag Store is the Twitter site for the Shag store in Palm Springs. The site is active and generally points to contents from their Facebook site.
Other Interesting Links

Mod Fab Group produced the Phaedra and mini Phaedra sculptures along with the Skorch torches for Shag. These are beautiful sculptures that appear in several of Shag’s artworks.